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Saturday, May 15, 2010

How To Attract Your Partner, Six Tips to Attract Your Partner

Wanna add some more spices to your conjugal life? Here are some tips.

Stroke your partner’s ego. Pay sincere compliments that matter to your partner without having to be provoked to do so. Let your partner know that you notice and appreciate their efforts at the gym or with their new hairstyle. Since the physical aspects of se xual arousal are routinely covered, it is extremely important to let your partner know that you see them as a unique individual and that they hold a special place in your heart. Expressing to your partner know how much you feel for them will lay the groundwork for sustained positive feelings and increased se xual arousal and desire.
Keep your partner’s wishes in mind. Your goal should be to please your partner and not to satisfy your own se xual needs. Focus on the ways your partner likes to be approached and romanced. Realize that your actions will readily contribute to your partner’s reactions. It may ruin the moment if your partner feels like you’re attempting to make them se xually aroused for personal gain. Make your partner feel like their enjoyment is your top priority to receive better results from your attempts. Now is the time to act on the techniques you know will push all of your partner’s se xual buttons.
Use enticing body language. Your partner should feel like your every action and movement is a calculated attempt to give them pleasure. Since body language is a great indicator of true emotions and intentions, take the time to give your partner a sneak preview of the coming attraction. Look deeply into you partner’s eyes while motioning them to come closer to you. Use your lips and hands to blow kisses as you slowly take control of your partner’s mind and se xual arousal. This applies from the moment you interact with your partner.
Set the proper mood. Enhance your partner's se xual arousal and experience by taking the time to prepare for the session. For example, music, candles, and flowers can add to the ambiance you seek to create without taking time away from your partner. Making your partner feel special will also add to the se xual arousal that they will feel knowing that you took extra time to prepare.
Make your partner wait. Anticipation is often the substance that memorable experiences are made of. Know that se xual arousal can be as much a mental experience as a physical experience. Tap into your partner’s imagination by letting their mind anticipate your next move. Whisper your intentions into your partner’s ear while on the car ride home to allow your plans to materialize. Keep your partner waiting until the moment you choose to allow for relaxation.
Unleash the unexpected. While it is important to focus on things you know your partners likes, it is still necessary to unlock desires they never knew they had. Keep the se xual passions fresh by introducing new looks, touches and emotions for your partner‘s enjoyment. Doing things out of character will also force you to find new ways to interact with your partner and keep both of you longing for the next se xual encounter. Surprise your partner after a long day at work with a soothing bath or a home cooked meal. Remember that se xual arousal involves emotions and not just physical touch. When your partner feels loved, they are more likely to want to reciprocate those feelings.

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